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They will show innovative products and services during the "Expo Tijuana Emprende 2022"


The Committee of Tourism and Conventions of Tijuana (Cotuco) announced the 4th. edition of the Expo Tijuana Emprende 2022, on June 4 and 5, an event that seeks to promote the products and services of local entrepreneurs.

At a press conference, Juan Coronado Ruiz, director of Cotuco, highlighted that this fourth edition of the Expo will be held at the Tijuana Cultural Center (Cecut), an emblematic place in the city.

"We are pleased that this event is taking place with the presence of more and more entrepreneurs, which attracts tourists from both sides of the border, since it is a way of showing visitors what is done in the region," he noted. the.

In this regard, Laura Jaimes Cardona, founder and organizer of the Expo, indicated that it is an event that aims to support entrepreneurs in the region, who are characterized by offering innovative products and services.

"It's a way to give them a physical space for dissemination, since many of them are only on the Internet, so it's an opportunity for more people to know their brands," she said.

The organizer mentioned that during the two days of the Expo, more than 100 entrepreneurs will meet, who come from various parts of the Republic, but who are already residents of Tijuana.

Jaimes Cardona explained that in addition to the stands of the entrepreneurs there will be spaces for food and drinks, handicrafts and other merchandise, in addition, he emphasized that as a novelty there will be a space for the adoption of pets and a painting workshop for children with different abilities.

"We will also have a very complete musical program during the two days with the presence of DJs, so it will be a 100% family event," she stressed.

To conclude, Laura Jaimes extended the invitation to the community on both sides of the border to attend the Expo Tijuana Emprende 2022, at Cecut, with free admission. For more information you can consult the Facebook page: Expo Tijuana Emprende.

Also at the conference were Alejandro Castañeda, entrepreneur; Samantha Morales, Marketing for Xolos de Tijuana; Angélica Gómez, founder of Karu Pet Rescue; and Mary Vindiola, from Friditas Bazar.

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