Everything ready for the “5th. International Congress of Astrophotography
The Tourism and Conventions Committee of Tijuana (Cotuco) announced the holding of the International Congress of Astrophotography, which in its fifth edition will be held at the University of the Californias International (UDCI) where experts in the field will meet.
In a press conference, Juan Coronado Ruiz, director of Cotuco, indicated that this is a congress that attracts important exhibitors, which attracts tourism that leaves a high economic impact.
"It is a different event, where creativity and photography are having a trend of great interest, which projects the region nationally and internationally," said the director.
In this regard, the Mtro. Canec Leyva López, director of the Northwest Photography Institute, explained that this year the Congress will be held in a hybrid way, with face-to-face and virtual activities.
“The program is made up of 10 master conferences which will be held on July 20 and 21, as well as four virtual workshops on July 22, and an astrophotography camp in Laguna Hanson on July 23, one of the privileged skies of Ensenada. , Baja California,” he noted.
He said that among the talks that will be addressed in this fifth edition of the International Congress of Astrophotography, he pointed out, are "Spectometry", "Astrophotography in science", "Solar Photography", "Astronomical Disclosure", "Rasa System", "How use photopills”, “The dark side of light” among others.
Likewise, added the organizer, workshops have been prepared such as "Structure processing under surface brightness", "Solar photography", "Panoramics and 360 photography", and "DSO mosaics".
Meanwhile, Canek Leyva commented, among the guest speakers will be Guillermo Spiers (Peru), Fernando Avila Castro (UNAM), Lorena Arias (CDMX), Alejandra Stella (CDMX), Rafael Pons (PhotoPills, Spain), Jorge Restrepo (Colombia), Brandon Echeverrys (Colombia), Carlos Trujillo (Peru), Ricardo Azarcoya (Canon Ambassador), and Enrique Camargo (Tijuana, Mexico).
"The Congress will close its activities on July 23 with the Astrophotography camp in Laguna Hanson, in which a select group of participants and speakers will meet in the field to apply the knowledge acquired during the conferences and workshops," he stressed.
It is worth mentioning that during the event there will be the presence of representatives of Canon Mexico, who in addition to managing the participation of the Canon ambassador, Ricardo Azarcoya, will provide the Touch & Try experience with their new generation equipment.
For his part, the Mtro. Antonio Carrillo Vilches, Rector of the UDCI, highlighted that this event is part of the activities for the 30th anniversary of the institution, this being the second year that UDCI participates with the Congress.
“Since I learned about the project I knew that it was something that we had to support, besides that they are actions that are part of the integral formation of the students, that is why we gladly joined”, he affirmed.
Finally, the organizers stressed that the Congress is aimed at amateurs, amateurs and professionals of Astrophotography. For information on tickets to attend the face-to-face event, there is the Eventbrite platform: https://bit.ly/BoletosVcongreso, or follow the conferences live on the YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/congresodeastrofotografia. For more information, you can consult the social networks of Facebook or Instagram of the Northwest Photography Institute @ifntijuana, as well as via WhatsApp at the number 664-720-0826.
Also at the press conference were Brandon Echeverris, co-founder of the International Congress of Astrophotography; and Dr. Enrique Camargo, speaker.
