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They will inspire the community during “TEDxTijuana 2022”


The Tourism and Conventions Committee of Tijuana (Cotuco) announced the holding of the TEDxTijuana event, on July 9 at the Tijuana Cultural Center (Cecut), where more than 10 recognized speakers in the region will meet, with the aim of inspire and change the way we see the world. At a press conference, Dr. Karim Chalita, Secretary of Cotuco, highlighted the importance of this type of activities that promote a positive face of the city, by bringing together experts on various topics to enrich knowledge.

“These are events that pay a lot to the community because it is about sharing experiences, knowledge, from health issues, technology, personal improvement, with which we can feel identified, and that in the end contribute to the development of our city”, he pointed out. .

In this regard, Arturo Loaiza Hernández, licensee of TEDxTijuana, explained that TEDx stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, which emerged in Monterey, California, in 1984 and since then has been replicated on a global scale.

He highlighted that this 2022 the 11th edition of the event will be held in Tijuana, where more than 10 speakers will meet, in an explosion of ideas that are worth sharing.

“It all started in 2011, when the event took place for the first time in the city, and during this time, TEDxTijuana has been the scene of great brilliant minds who have shared their ideas with the community, inspiring hundreds of people and to change. the world in a positive way”, he commented.

In that sense, he assured that in Tijuana there are many talented people with experiences to share, so the TEDxTijuana event will be held on July 9, being the largest in Mexico, and will be held at Cecut.

“For us, the impact that this event has in Tijuana is very important, because we consider it extremely important to transmit to the world ideas of people who are really achieving and contributing to the city, to the region, to the world, things extraordinary," he argued.

For her part, Silvia Selene García Enríquez, coordinator of alliances at TEDxTijuana, said that TEDx is a conference program in which brilliant minds from various fields meet to share their ideas and stories with the community, where each speaker has 18 minutes as maximum to inspire the audience through your talk.

"This time we have 15 brilliant minds who are going to share stories that are worth listening to and applying in our lives."

Among the invited speakers will be Xicani, activist for the rights of people with disabilities; Érika Robles, Director of Development and Human Capital; Canneck Leyva, academic, engineer and multidisciplinary photographer; Pavel Pichardo, doctor and academic tutor, to name a few.

The event is scheduled in the Cecut show room, with a capacity for 1,000 people, with an entrance fee of $450 pesos. Tickets can be purchased online through the eventbrite platform, with the link directly from the TEDxTijuana fan page on Facebook.

"Scientists, artists, senior executives, entrepreneurs and renowned personalities, all on the same stage to inspire, challenge and change the way we see Tijuana and the world, so we invite the community to attend," she concluded.

Also at the conference were Canneck Leyva, speaker; Osirys Vargas, TEDxTijuana commercial coordinator; Dr. Flavio Abel Rivera, speaker; and Dr. Pavel Pichardo, speaker.

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